Ticks are like tiny vampires that enjoy feasting on animal and human flood. Unlike vampires, they are also vectors of several diseases, sometimes deadly if left untreated. Some diseases that are commonly spread by ticks are lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) Ticks are commonly found in grassy, wooded, or brushy areas where they can easily attach to passing hosts. They often wait on the tips of vegetation and use a behavior known as "questing" to latch onto passing animals. So, chances of a tick infestation is higher in your home if you have a pet. 

What Months Are Ticks Most Active In Massachusetts?

Ticks in Massachusetts are the most active during the relatively warmer months, typically from late spring through early fall. The peak activity period for ticks is generally from April to September. During these months, the weather conditions are favorable for ticks to feed on hosts.

Spring (April - June):

Ticks become more active as temperatures rise during these months. April and May mark the beginning of increased tick activity. As the weather warms up, ticks start searching, waiting on plants, bushes, and vegetation to attach to passing animals or humans.

Summer (June - August):

The warm temperatures of these months provide optimal conditions for ticks to search actively for hosts. Hikers, campers, and individuals spending time in grassy or wooded areas should be particularly alert during this period.

Early Fall (September):

While tick activity starts to decrease in September as temperatures begin to drop, it is still considered an active period. Individuals should continue to take precautions during early fall, especially during warm days.

Common Ticks in Massachusetts

  1. Deer Tick (Ixodes scapularis):

The black-legged tick, commonly known as the deer tick, is a major concern in Massachusetts. Known for transmitting Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis, this tiny insect can attach to you or your pet during outdoor activities. 

  1. Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis):

The American dog tick is another common tick in the region. While less likely to transmit Lyme disease, it can cause tick paralysis and transmit other diseases. 

Steps to Take For Protection Against These Blood Suckers

1. Dress Properly:

Wear long sleeves, long pants, and closed shoes to minimize skin exposure. Tucking pants into socks creates an additional barrier.

2. Tick Repellents:

Apply EPA-approved tick repellents containing DEET or permethrin on exposed skin and clothing. Ensure proper application following product guidelines.

3. Stay Informed:

Prevention is better than cure. Stay informed about prevalent tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, and be aware of the symptoms. Early detection is key to effective treatment.

If you find ticks in your home, your immediate response should be to call a pest control service. One such pest control service is RidAway. They use biologically friendly pesticides that leave your home safe to return to, they are state-licensed and industry certified, and they provide quick solutions to urgent problems. They can also periodically visit your home to ensure there are no invaders. Their work is guaranteed so you can rest assured the problem will be dealt with effectively.

For a quick solution to an urgent intrusion, RidAway is ready to come to your rescue.