January 31, 2024

Asbestos was once extensively used in Massachusetts! Don’t know what is asbestos? Well, to know about asbestos in detail you can read Six Different Types of Asbestos and Their Dangers. So, assuming you read the above-mentioned blog, you now know ‘What is asbestos, its types, and its dangers’. 

Asbestos in Massachusetts

Asbestos was commonly used in shipyards in Massachusetts due to its amazing properties. Due to this, the shipyard workers in Massachusetts were often exposed to asbestos-containing materials during the construction, repair, and maintenance of ships. 

Moreover, asbestos exposure wasn't limited to shipyards; it occurred in various other industries such as textile mills, power plants, and auto parts factories. This means that workers who were exposed years ago could now develop symptoms related to mesothelioma.

It's concerning to note that Massachusetts ranks 11th in the U.S. for mesothelioma and asbestosis deaths. This highlights the long-term consequences of asbestos exposure in the state 

For people who may have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace, it is important to monitor their health, seek medical attention if needed, and be aware of the resources available for medical assistance. 

In Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is responsible for regulating asbestos-related activities. Here are some key points related to asbestos in Massachusetts that everybody should be aware of:

Asbestos Licensing:

Individuals or companies involved in asbestos-related activities, such as asbestos removal, must be licensed by the MassDEP. This includes contractors, supervisors, workers, and inspectors.

Asbestos in Schools:

Massachusetts has strict regulations regarding asbestos in schools. School buildings must be inspected for asbestos, and management plans must be in place to address asbestos-containing materials.

Asbestos Inspections:

Before renovation or demolition activities on certain structures, an inspection for asbestos-containing materials may be required.

If you find yourself surrounded by asbestos or want to get something inspected, you should contact RidAway. RidAway is an expert in dealing with asbestos. RidAway is state-certified and licensed and it guarantees 100% asbestos removal.

If asbestos insulation is removed, it will need to be replaced. Insulation replacement is usually expensive, but not with RidAway! Through our insulation Mass Save® partner, Neeeco, we'll take care of your asbestos insulation removal. For a limited time, we can insulate your home at 75-100% off the normal cost, giving you a safe, energy-efficient home that will continue to save you money in the form of lower energy bills for years to come. 

Get the best deal for home energy savings with a no-cost home energy assessment and 75% to 100% off insulation.

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