Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once used in industries like construction, automotive, marine, and consumer appliances because of its versatility. Properties that made asbestos famous were its strength, flexibility, resistance to heat, resistance to chemicals (alkalis &acids), resistance to electricity, resistance to fire, etc. However, the usage of asbestos was banned soon after it was realized that it is carcinogenic. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that releases its needle-like fibers in the hair, which when inhaled by humans gets trapped in the lungs causing inflammation and scarring and eventually causing mesothelioma, a fatal lung cancer. 

 Depending on the industry and properties, asbestos occurs in various types in nature. Being aware of different types of asbestos is important in safeguarding yourself and your family from the dangers of it. Let’s look at the different types of asbestos and where they are found and used commonly;

  1. Chrysotile Asbestos

Chrysotile asbestos is a type of mineral that belongs to the serpentine family of minerals (mineral rocks that resemble serpents). It is commonly known as white asbestos, has curly fibers, and is the most common type of asbestos used in buildings. It is found in roofing materials, cement, brake pads, asphalt, and insulation.

  1. Amosite Asbestos

Also known as brown asbestos, Amosite finds its uses in various industrial applications, particularly in insulation. Amosite asbestos belongs to the amphibole family of asbestos which means it has sharp-needle-like fibers. It is durable and has excellent heat-resistant properties therefore is used in pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, and thermal insulation boards. 

  1. Crocidolite Asbestos

Crocidolite also known as “The Blue Peril” is famous for its azure hue. Because of its properties like resistance to heat and fire, along with its durability, it is an appropriate choice for insulation materials used in ships. 

  1. Tremolite and Actinolite Asbestos

Tremolite and Actinolite asbestos also belong to the amphibole family of asbestos meaning they have needle-like fibers. These types of asbestos fibers are commonly found in talc products including makeup and personal care items. Although less prevalent than other types of asbestos, these asbestos fibers also pose the same dangers as others. 

All of the above different types of asbestos cause mesothelioma, asbestosis, and allergic reactions when inhaled directly. People working in factories and industries related to or close to asbestos should take some precautions while going back home to not spread asbestos fibers to their families, especially their kids. PPEs should be made compulsory for such workers and they should be made aware of the dangers of second-hand dangers of asbestos fibers. 

If you find or even suspect the presence of asbestos in your home, workplace, or anywhere close to you your immediate reaction should be to contact a professional asbestos removal company. One such company is RidAway. The specialists at RidAway operate by all federal, state, and local regulations to ensure your asbestos abatement project is handled safely. They use Industry Safety Protection, guarantee 100% asbestos removal, and are state-certified and licensed.

If asbestos insulation is removed, it will need to be replaced. Insulation replacement is usually expensive, but not with RidAway! Through their insulation Mass Save partner, Neeeco, we'll take care of your asbestos insulation removal. For a limited time, we can insulate your home at 75-100% off the normal cost, giving you a safe, energy-efficient home that will continue to save you money in the form of lower energy bills for years to come.