If you’ve ever had mold in your house, you know how invasive it can be. If you haven’t ever experienced it or aren’t sure why people make such a big deal over a few black spots, this article will give you the information you need to protect yourself and your family. 

How Does Mold Grow in a Home?

Mold can be found both outside and inside, and if it is growing outside, it can easily enter your home. Open doors, windows, air conditioning vents, and heating ducts can all allow mold access to your living space. Mold is also sneaky, and it can attach itself to clothing, books, shoes, and even your dog or cat! Yikes! 

Mold grows with spores, which are microscopic pieces of an actual living organism that thrive on moisture. When mold spores are deposited on places that have a great deal of water, like leaky pipes, potted plants, or carpet that hasn’t been properly dried, they will grow almost immediately and are very hard to stop. 

How Do You Know if You Have Mold?

If you see mold, you know it’s mold. Those tell-tale black spots appear, and you want to get away from them as fast as possible. However, it gets even more sinister. Mold can be growing under your floors, in your walls, or in your ceiling without you even knowing it and could be making you sick. If you notice a strong smell coming from inside a wall, see it softening, or your family is all of a sudden coming down with respiratory infections or allergic symptoms that they didn’t previously exhibit, it might be time to get a mold inspection. 

Why Is Mold So Dangerous?

Many people are quite sensitive to mold, and it can be a catalyst for many detrimental health conditions. Some of these include congestion, trouble breathing, eye irritation, or skin rashes. If someone already has a respiratory disorder, such as asthma, or is actually allergic to mold, exposure can be even more harmful. Fever or shortness of breath are also severe symptoms. 

Who Is at an Increased Risk?

Although mold is not good for anyone, certain populations can have even more severe health complications from mold exposure. As stated, if someone has a documented allergy, mold will exacerbate symptoms whenever they are near it. People who have compromised immune systems or lung disease will be more likely to get infections when exposed to mold. Those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases could have a difficult time breathing. 

If you or your family members have any of these conditions or you suspect a mold allergy, see a medical professional to get a diagnosis and have your home checked for mold often, especially if you live in a damp, wet area of the world. 

Preventing Mold in the First Place

This might all seem scary, but you can take action! On top of seeing a care provider for your health, make sure that your building is inspected regularly for mold. Get a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air and fix leaks right away. Make sure that your bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchen are well-ventilated whenever you use them. 

You can keep your home and your family safe from mold!

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