5 Ways You May Be Putting Yourself at Risk For Lyme Disease This Summer

Summer-Autumn is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors in Massachusetts, especially with your pets. It's the best time to go for a hike and enjoy the outdoors

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What to Do if You Find a Tick on Your Dog

Ticks can be more than just a nuisance. They not only bite but also spread a lot of harmful diseases in humans and pets. Lyme Disease, Rocky Spotted

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Do Natural Remedies Work On Ticks?

Ticks are tiny bloodsuckers that are infamous for spreading diseases in humans and pets. Lyme disease, babesiosis, rocky mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis are some of the diseases

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Beware! Ticks Can Spread These Diseases To Your Dog!

Ticks are more than just a nuisance. They are hungry for blood and therefore latch on to dogs or humans to satisfy their hunger. During this, they transmit

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Common Ticks in Massachusetts You Should Be Aware Of

Over 60% of Massachusetts is covered in forests, making it the 8th most forested state in the U.S. Forests can invite all kinds of pests including ticks. Ticks

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April-Sept Is ‘Tick Season’ In MA. Here’s How To Keep Safe From Them!

Ticks in Massachusetts are active year-round but tick activity is heightened from April to September as they are the warmer months. The first peak of tick activity occurs

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Lyme Disease Awareness Month: One Tick Bite Is All It Takes

May is the official ‘Lyme Disease Awareness Month’ observed yearly in many countries including the US. It is observed to raise awareness about the tiny but dangerous arachnid,

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How To Avoid Ticks This Spring?

Spring is a wonderful time of the year. It's a time to take walks in nature, a time to enjoy the outdoors. However, as the weather gets warmer,

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World Pest Day: History, Purpose, and Interesting Facts

World Pest Day, also known as Pest Awareness Day, is observed each year on the 6th of june. It is aimed at raising awareness for pest management, and

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The Most Common Pests Found in Homes and How to Deal With Them

Nobody likes to think about pests, let alone the thought of a pest infestation. These pesky little creatures are disease carrying, damage causing living beings that generally make

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