Mold growth is a major problem faced by everyone across the globe. It not only causes structural damage to properties but also poses a danger to human health. Mold can cause allergies, scaly skin, itchy eyes/throat/nose, runny nose, and watery eyes, and can also trigger asthma. Many of us believe that mold can only grow in certain environmental conditions. However, that is not true. Mold  can grow in various environmental conditions. Knowing how and when it grows in different seasons can help individuals combat and tackle mold and mold-related issues effectively.

How Does Winter Affect Mold Growth

Mold requires moisture, and humidity to thrive. Therefore the drop in temperature is not exactly ideal for mold growth. However, during winter, the drop in temperature increases the usage of heaters inside the house. In addition, ventilation becomes minimal due to closed doors and windows. Therefore, due to the heater and minimal ventilation it becomes easier for mold to thrive inside houses.

  • How To Prevent Mold Growth In Winters:

To control or prevent mold growth during winter is to maintain proper ventilation inside your home. Consider opening windows or doors for some time to maintain a proper flow of air especially in bathrooms and kitchens. Consider installing exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens as these places are more prone to mold growth.

How Does Summer Affect Mold Growth

The summer season comes with a different set of challenges that lead to mold growth. One of the main factors that lead to mold growth in summer is humidity. Also, the difference in the outside temperature and the temperature inside (due to the AC) leads to condensation hence increasing moisture and an easy environment for mold to perpetuate.

  • How To Prevent Mold Growth In Summers:

In summer, it becomes crucial to maintain proper ventilation and control moisture growth to prevent mold growth. Dehumidifiers can be used to reduce the moisture levels in the air, especially in basements and bathrooms. Proper ventilation should be maintained to keep the walls and furniture fresh and dry. It's also important to regularly dust furniture to prevent mold spores from accumulating and to inspect the air conditioner for moisture buildup and change the air filters if necessary and as recommended by the manufacturer.

How Does Rainfall Affect Mold Growth

We all know that moisture growth is directly proportional to mold growth. In the rainy season, the chances of mold growth increase rapidly because rain adds moisture to the already existing moisture in the air. Rainfall can also cause the water to seep into the walls of homes and buildings making the walls and the roofs damp and hence accelerating mold growth. The rainy season can also cause leaks in the walls and on the roof which is ideal for mold growth.

  • How To Prevent Mold Growth During Rains

First and foremost, it becomes important to regularly check for leaks through roofs and walls as it rapidly promotes mold growth. It becomes essential to clean and dry damp surfaces in your home to prevent mold growth. Ensuring proper drainage around your house/property is also crucial to not let mold multiply. Then again, ensure proper ventilation to maintain proper airflow so that the walls in your house can breathe.

Understanding how different weather conditions affect mold becomes crucial in preventing mold growth. Homeowners need to do the above mentioned things to safeguard themselves and their families from mold and the health hazards it causes. If you find evidence of mold growth in your home it is important to contact mold removal experts like Ridaway.

Ridaway is EPA approved, uses Industry Grade Technology, and is Fully Licensed and Insured. So, RidAway toxic mold spores so you can breathe clean, healthy air once again.