Asbestos has been a topic of discussion and concern for a few decades because of the deadly cancer (mesothelioma) it causes. Understanding the risks associated with asbestos is crucial as it helps in preventing it. Below are a few frequently asked questions about asbestos and mesothelioma that would make you aware of the risks, dangers, and preventative measures for the same

Q.1) What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was used in the construction, automotive, and electronic industries because of its amazing properties, including, heat-resistant, chemical-resistant, fire-resistant, electricity-resistant, anti-corrosive, high flexural strength, and adsorption. Unfortunately, it was discovered that asbestos causes a fatal cancer called mesothelioma.

Q.2) What is Mesothelioma?

Being a fibrous mineral, it releases needle-like fibers in the air which when inhaled by humans, get trapped in their lungs causing scarring and inflammation. This prolonged scarring and inflammation leads to mesothelioma which has no cure. Apart from this, mild or second-hand asbestos exposure can cause asbestos toxicity also called asbestosis. Symptoms of asbestosis, include shortness of breath, chest tightness, clubbing in toes and fingertips, and dry cough.

Q.3) How Does Asbestos Exposure Occur?

Asbestos exposure can occur in one of the following three ways;

  1. Workplace Asbestos Exposure: People working in industries that still use asbestos for construction (e.g. shipbuilding), are at a higher risk of direct asbestos exposure.

  2. Environmental Exposure: People living near industries that use asbestos in manufacturing can be exposed to asbestos through air and even water.

  3. Secondary Exposure: Families of workers working in near proximity to asbestos are also at risk of asbestos exposure. Asbestos fibers can transfer through the hair and clothing of the workers to their families and put them in danger.

Q. 4) What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?

Early detection of mesothelioma is impossible as the symptoms may not appear until years after asbestos exposure. Some common symptoms include;

  • Severe chest pain 

  • Shortness of breath

  • Nausea

  • Constant dry cough

  • Unexplained weight loss

Q. 5) Can mesothelioma be treated?

Although mesothelioma has no cure, some treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and emerging therapies like immunotherapy. The effectiveness of treatment depends on factors such as the stage of the disease and the patient's overall health.

Q. 6) Are there regulations for asbestos handling?

Asbestos has been banned in many countries after the discovery of its nature and effects. Many regulations have been put in place to protect the general public. It's essential to comply with these regulations and hire trained professionals for asbestos removal when needed. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has also been made mandatory for workers working in industries dealing with asbestos.

If you suspect anything around you might have asbestos it's important to immediately contact professionals. One such professional is Ridaway. The specialists at RidAway operate in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations to ensure your asbestos abatement project is handled safely. They use industry safety protection and guarantee 100% asbestos removal. 

If asbestos insulation is removed, it will need to be replaced. Insulation replacement is usually expensive, but not with RidAway! Through our insulation Mass Save® partner, Neeeco, we'll take care of your asbestos insulation removal. For a limited time, we can insulate your home at 75-100% off the normal cost, giving you a safe, energy-efficient home that will continue to save you money in the form of lower energy bills for years to come.