Ticks are tiny bloodsuckers that are infamous for spreading diseases in humans and pets. Lyme disease, babesiosis, rocky mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis are some of the diseases that are spread by ticks. These diseases, if not treated on time can lead to serious issues. There are a lot of natural remedies that people have been using for tick removal for a long time now. Let’s take a look at these solutions and see how they work as opposed to professional tick removal/treatment. 

Tick Behaviour

Ticks thrive in moisture. They are often found in grassy, wooded, and bushy areas. They latch onto the host (humans/animals) and often go unnoticed due to their small size and painless bites. American dog ticks, lone star ticks, black-legged ticks, and rocky mountain wood ticks are some common types of ticks. If you live near forest areas and have a dog, the chances of your contracting tick diseases increase significantly. 

Common Natural Remedies

  1. Scented Essential Oils

Fragranced essential oils lavender, cedarwood, peppermint, eucalyptus, and more are a great choice to deter ticks due to their scent. These essential oils can be diluted in any carrier oil of your choice and applied to exposed skin. Alternatively, you can add the oil to water in a spray bottle and spray it on clothing and around your house. Although essential oils may be effective in repelling ticks, their effectiveness may be less reliable and long-lasting than chemical repellents. Regular reapplication is necessary.

  1. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a natural powder made from fossilized algae. It's often used as a natural pesticide due to its ability to dehydrate and kill insects. Sprinkle DE in your house where ticks are most likely to hide like pet bedding or under the carpet. DE is effective in killing ticks on contact. However, it must remain dry to work limiting its effectiveness in humid weather. 

  1. Neem Oil

Neem oil is derived from the seed of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) and is an effective insecticide. It also works effectively on ticks. Mix the oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive and apply it to the exposed skin especially when going outdoors. You can also add it to a solution of soap and water and spray it on your pet, clothing, and around the corners of your house. Unfortunately, it needs reapplication to be effective. 

Combining Natural Remedies With Other Preventative Measures

Maintain Your Yard: Mow your lawn, remove leaf litter, and maintain a distance between your lawn and the outside wooded areas.

Inspect Your Pets: Thoroughly check your pets after every outing. Use tick collars and spray before going out. 

Dress Appropriately: Wear long sleeves, trousers, and socks, and always tuck your shirt inside your trousers. 

Perform Tick Checks: After spending time outdoors, thoroughly check your body and your pets for ticks. Remove any ticks promptly with tweezers.

Are Professional Treatments The Most Effective Against Ticks?

Home remedies are only effective for a certain time. There is still a chance of contracting tick diseases if you solely rely on home remedies. If you want effective tick removal and want to safeguard your family against tick-borne diseases then you need to contact a professional tick removal service like RidAway. It is a tick removal service that uses biologically friendly pesticides (that leave your home safe to return to) and is EPA-approved, industry-certified, and state-licensed. On top of that, their work is guaranteed so you can rest assured the problem will be dealt with effectively.

For a quick solution to an urgent intrusion, RidAway is ready to come to your rescue.