Where does it come from?

Your home is your sanctuary, where you eat, sleep, relax, work, and do a lot of things. But are the walls hiding poison?

Do you know homes built before the 1980s expose homeowners and their loved ones to poison possibly hiding in floor tiles, cement, walls, insulation, and all around the home? This poison is commonly called ASBESTOS.

Was your home built prior to the 1980s? Did you recently undertake a Do-It-Yourself renovation project in your home? If so, it is possible that you may be exposed to asbestos in your house.

Asbestos is often used in building materials all around the globe. However, according to the EPA and the Department of Health and Human Services, there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a known carcinogen, which causes mesothelioma. This cancer is caused by breathing in asbestos fiber or ingesting it.

Where is Asbestos Used in the Home?

Throughout the 1980s, asbestos was commonly used as a major component of many building materials. Builders often rely on asbestos-containing materials for insulation requirements. However, this dangerous material can still be found in plenty of homes and apartments throughout the United States.

You may be exposed to this poison if you have worked with the following materials in your home:

  • Textured paint
  • Cement roofing
  • House insulation
  • Siding shingles
  • Walls and floors around wood-burning area
  • Boilers
  • Hot water and steam pipes covered with asbestos blanket

According to the National Safety Council, asbestos can also be sometimes found in:

  • Automobile brake pads
  • Soundproofing material
  • Decorative materials
  • Gaskets

However, not every asbestos containing material present in the home can pose a potential danger. This material does not become hazardous unless it is damaged. Friable asbestos can quickly become dry and crumble into a powder releasing fibers in the air and posing a health risk to the homeowners.

Why is Asbestos Used for Insulation?

Asbestos is thermally inert which means it does not transfer heat or cold well. Moreover, asbestos is also known to be fireproof. These properties of asbestos make it an ideal choice for insulation in homes.

Also, as asbestos is inexpensive and chemically stable, it is preferred by builders and soon became a favorite building material.

During the mid-1980s, the worst kept secret of asbestos was leaked out. While asbestos manufacturers and suppliers were aware of the long-term health hazards of this poisonous substance, they chose to stay quiet on the matter for more than a decade. Government officials were also warned about the health risks associated with asbestos exposure but they failed to act.

Asbestos insulation manufacturing is a massive industry and reporting the health hazards associated with asbestos means significant money at stake. This is why unscrupulous asbestos manufacturers refuse to disclose the harmful health hazards caused by airborne asbestos fibers.

Types of Asbestos Insulation

There are four types of asbestos containing materials (ACM).

  • Rigid Block Insulation These insulation products are purchased in bulk and cut according to requirements. Rigid asbestos insulation is created for steel structures and foundation walls.
  • Loose-Fill Asbestos Insulation This is one of the most commonly used ACM insulation products. Loose-fill asbestos insulation regulates the temperature and keeps things cool in summer and warm in winter. This is a perfect choice for building floors, attics, and walls.
  • Insulation Wrappings Pipes around America are wrapped in asbestos insulation to keep them at a comfortable temperature. Pipe wrappings are also popular in power plants, factories, ships, and oil refineries.
  • Spray-On Insulation Spray-on insulation use asbestos mixed with bonding agents sprayed under high pressure. This technique is often used on surfaces like ship hulls and steel beams.

Risk Associated with the Use of Asbestos

Airborne asbestos fibers pose a risk as inhalation is the main entryway for asbestos to enter the body. Breathing in the asbestos fibers can cause:

  • Lung cancer
  • Asbestosis
  • Mesothelioma

Asbestos fibers are too small to be seen through the naked eye because of its microsize. When inhaled, the fibers can stick in the lung, heart, and abdomen linings. Moreover, as these fibers are durable, the body is unable to break them down.

Over a period of time, the asbestos fibers cause scarring and inflammation, which can lead to tumors. However, as the asbestos-related illnesses often show symptoms like shortness of breath after 10 to 15 years, it becomes difficult to diagnose the problem.

What Can I Do About Asbestos in My Home?

The more you are exposed to asbestos, the more prone you become to the risk associated with it. This is why it is important to have an asbestos-free home.

If you suspect something to be asbestos in your home, do not touch it! The best option is to leave it alone and call the asbestos removal experts. RidAway professionals have the required expertise, equipment, and license to remove asbestos safely from your home.

We operate in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations to ensure that the job is done safely. When it comes to asbestos removal, you should stay away from the DIY approach and let the professionals handle the job.

RidAway asbestos removal experts clean asbestos from walls and also restore your home back to a healthy condition. You can be sure that you and your loved ones are breathing in clean air.


Removing insulation with asbestos is often followed by replacing it, which is an expensive task. However, we have got your back.

We are offering new insulation absolutely FREE. No gimmick, no catch, no trick, and no underlying conditions.

For a limited time, we will insulate your home at no cost to you, giving you access to a safe, healthy and energy-efficient home that will continue to save you money.

Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts!

Restore your home with RidAway! Call 781-531-9365 or contact us today for a free asbestos removal consultation. RidAway is ready as you are!